The Oncology Program

Over 15 months of project work and counting.
More than 2 000 oncology patients were provided with a full chemotherapy course.
Over 31 000 units of medical drugs have been distributed.
More than 7 million dollars were allocated in medical donations.

Daily transparency

Daily transparency is not just a promise but a reality at Mission Kharkiv.

Our system tracks every step, from registration to medication distribution, and is visible in real-time. Patient data is securely stored, coded, and accessible only to authorized team members.

How our Oncology Program works:

Patients provide us with relevant documents: ID, IPN, medical records, and histological and radiological exams verifying their diagnosis.
Patients provide us with a signed and sealed doctor’s prescription to reserve medication from Mission Kharkiv.
After we verify their documents and establish a connection with them and their doctors, Mission Kharkiv reserves the entire treatment for approved patients and stores the medication in our bomb-proof cold-chain warehouse.
We provide the patient with one dose of medication needed for one round of prescribed treatment.
We provide our donors with detailed reports of how and where medications are being used in real-time.
Finally, we carry out statistical data analysis to track the efficacy of our Oncology Program and ensure any future decisions we make are data-driven.

The Oncology Project Journey

What began in the heart of Kharkiv has blossomed into a nationwide initiative. 27 February 2022 – The bombing of the Kharkiv Centre for Oncology and the day everything changed for Mission Kharkiv.

This motivated us to organize a consistent, quality supply of cancer care and other medication to Ukraine and create a better system for our doctors and patients.

Our project has gracefully extended its roots to embrace communities in the major Ukrainian cities of Kyiv, Dnipro, Kharkiv and Lviv, bringing our transformative mission to the forefront of cancer care.

Your contribution transforms lives.
Support Ukrainians today by donating to the Oncology Program at Mission Kharkiv.