Cash for Health

The war in Ukraine has created a crisis within the healthcare system.
Regions that have been impacted by active hostilities are facing shortages of medical equipment and medication, which is affecting vulnerable populations.

Our primary goal is to identify and address the urgent medical needs within the Ukrainian population's healthcare sector that are not covered by the government health procurement programs.

Providing medications and equipment for home use

It is essential to prevent health deterioration among vulnerable individuals and to reduce the burden on healthcare institutions.

To address these challenges, we are providing primary healthcare medications and equipment to vulnerable populations.
Additionally, Mission Kharkiv facilitates the procurement of medications and their subsequent transportation to near-frontline communities. This operational mechanism is made possible through the dedicated efforts of volunteers.

how to volunteer with MK

This is a humanitarian initiative that aligns with the fundamental principles of public support and social responsibility amidst war.

Financial assistance will enable beneficiaries to acquire life-saving medications that are otherwise unaffordable. Our overarching goal is to ensure that Ukrainians facing financial hardships can access essential medications.